Tuesday, February 20, 2007


This is not the first blog on the weird wide web dedicated to stuff someone made. It is, however, the first blog to feature the stuff I have made (Ok, not totally true. I helped make this). I don't believe many will even bother looking at my stuff (and well, they probably shouldn't), but, should you stumble into this space and take time to look at my stuff, I will think good thoughts at you.

What kind of stuff do I make? You will just have to keep stopping by to find out. I can't really say what you will see here. Whatever the spirit moves me to make... I will post it here.

If you make some stuff, and you would like to contribute to this blog, please email me with a sample of your stuff.

For starters, how 'bout some breakfast. A hearty meal is great for starting the day, why not this blog?!

I poached the eggs (the macho way... in a pool rather than the specialized pan), and made the hollandaise from scratch. Jen provided coffee.
I made this stuff.

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